Protection Against GA08, GA13 and DMV/1639/11 IBV Types
Cevac IBron® is a live monovalent bronchitis vaccine containing the Georgia (GA) serotype of IBV. This vaccine is recommended for use in healthy chickens one day of age or older against bronchitis caused by IBV GA08 and IBV GA13 via the coarse spray route and IBV GA08 and IBV DMV/1639/11 via gel droplet by oral administration.
Six independent efficacy studies were conducted by vaccinating day of age SPF chicks by either coarse (aqueous) spray or gel droplet (three studies for each route). In each trial, chicks were challenged with a virulent strain of IBV (GA08, GA13 or DMV/1639/11) at 28 days post vaccination. Protection was determined based on virus isolation of tracheal swabs at five days post challenge.
In all six trials, when challenged with GA08, GA13 or DMV/1639/11, Cevac IBron® demonstrated significant protection (P < 0.0001) in chicks vaccinated by either the coarse spray or gel droplet route. IBV was isolated from greater than 90% of the chicks in the placebo-vaccinated challenged control group.